Sunday, March 4, 2012

It is established for technical development  for unemployed person to train and able to the purpose of employ or self employ through jai hanuman trust  in 2008 under the deed No. 4030 NIC of Bihar. It is under the labour and employment department of Bihar Govt. and is affiliated from National Council of Vocational Training(NCVT) of Directorate General of Employment and Training Deppt. under the govt. of India, New Delhi. The Trust has been working in all types of social, cultural, educational training fields. Today, the organization is actively working in the RURAL AREA OF Bihar. The working committee adopt a resolution to establish an autonomous institute to fulfill the above objects at with the name of JAWAHARLAL ITI J.L ITC It has become essential to larg demand of skilled person in the rapidly growing industries in India and abroad.
This institute keeps a special due to well placed arranged workshop with all machineries and equipments, qualified and experienced Instructore, Staff and according to the standard of NCVT, Hence the primary object of the designed training is to make people fit for job as skilled workers in the surrounding industries. The object is also to develop capability for entrepreneur among the local people by making them capable of small scale industries, cottage industries and fit for self employment.

For Admission in Jawaharlal iti Contact Mr Tarkeswar ray  Mob- 09631888768,9905055158,

Student Attend there practical classes in   Fitter ,Electrician Workshop.

 नामांकन के लिया सम्पार्क  करे -०९६३१८८८७६८,९९०५०५५१५८ 
 जवाहरलाल  आईटीआई मे क्लास करते छात्र . विद्यार्थी साईकल को एक लाइन .
विद्यार्थी  का उपस्थति  दर्शाता  आईटीआई .