JAWAHARLALITI/ITC Affiliated to NCVT(Govt.of India) & DET(Govt.of Bihar)this istitute situated at rural area of MURA Village in,Garkha chapra(saran)district in bihar for spreading technical education in village area..The purpose of Open this institute for developing a technical skill among rural student . The Economic Condition OF Student not such that they go to town.All Student also Help there Parent in Farming as well as Studying.FOR ADMISSION MOB No- 99631888768
Sunday, March 4, 2012
नामांकन के लिया सम्पार्क करे -०९६३१८८८७६८,९९०५०५५१५८
जवाहरलाल आईटीआई मे क्लास करते छात्र . विद्यार्थी साईकल को एक लाइन .